I found deep spiritual meaning in the liner notes of a King Size Taylor and the Dominoes album. It’s a relic of a manufactured fad that never took off. [Note: the guy standing behind Mothra is Marilyn Slash. We did not realize the meaning of “Come As You Are” until later.

It was pre-ordained….. Nevermind, forget it. You wouldn’t understand anyway. The toy pistol was from a campus-wide game of Assassin which was officially banned by the administration.

The flyer for the Groovy Cellar. The name came from an ad for a club night in London of the same name which featured bands like Mood Six.

Vicious and “Paulina Lollabridgida.” She once walked over a parked car in six inch spike heels with a bottle of schnapps in hand.

The Yonghy Bonghy Bo

The undefaced version of Mothra and Marilyn Slash.

Only known photo of Oi for England, taken at the cast party.

Carnaby Street: “Ain”t what it used to be.” I’m sure even Paul Weller would take this iteration of the famous street over the one in 2023.

Street scene on the Kings Road London, 1982.

Fun with a plastic steak from a display of appliances at Sears. I think Betty Asteroid was the one who “liberated” it.

Outside the “new” Cavern Club across the street from the original at no. 10 Matthews. It had only been about a year since John Lennon was assassinated.

Mothra at WMNJ circa September 1979.

Wretch and Tony the Teenage Witch.